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Attention Dog Lovers Who Hate Dead Dogs On Film

Jack actually found this web site, but I stole the story from him. It's the Internet Movie Database for whether or not a dog is killed in a movie, and it's called:

Does the Dog Die?

Finally, for all you sensitive animal people out there, there is a database of film that you can find out if any dogs bite the big one on screen. This way you can decided how many boxes of tissues you need to have by your side while watching the movie.

Here is a handy checklist in case you are not sure if you are a sensitive dog person:

1) You would rather see a human offed on screen than a dog
2) You cried the entire length of Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey.
3) You get upset that kitty litter commercials are so negative towards what is natural and expected in all types of living things that eat and poop. (and sometimes eat their poop)
4) Hearing the name; Sarah McLachlan brings a single tear to your eye.
5) Your house pet has a better bed then you do.
6) You make baby cooing noises at your animals and you have proper names AND nicknames for them.

How it works is simple. You plug in the name of the movie you are about to watch and it brings back the answer based on this chart:




It’s that simple.

We did some research and compiled a list of movies that dog lovers should definitely avoid:

1) Old Yeller
2) Turner & Hooch
3) I Am Legend
4) Marley and Me 
5) American Psycho
6) My Dog Skip
7) The Road Warrior
8) Eight Below
9) All Dogs Go To Heaven
10) Cujo

So, now to be fair (and not to lose subscribers), here is a list of great dog movies:

1) The Adventures of Milo and Otis
2) Lassie
3) Lady and The Tramp
4) Best In Show
5) Beethoven
6) Air Bud
7) Bolt
8) The Shaggy Dog
9) The Dog Who Saved Christmas
10) 101 Dalmations

These are not all necessarily great cinematic masterpieces, just no dogs die in the films.

Is it insensitive of us to suggest to the Does the Dog Die? people that the icon for a dead dog should have little Xs over the eyes?


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About Christopher De Voss (132 Articles)
Voice over actor, writer on various websites, published author, should not eat cheese but still does. Producer for The Super True Crime Podcast, Podfix Presents, and 2 Drunk Mills And A Gen Z. Follow me on twitter: @chrisdevoss

26 Comments on Attention Dog Lovers Who Hate Dead Dogs On Film

  1. This site should really warn about people dying, too. After all, a human is dog’s best friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not the sensitive type, so if a dog gets offed in a movie, I’m okay. Gosh I sound horrid, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So how would this application rate something like Resident Evil? Or maybe Armageddon, where somebody’s pet surely had to die.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. omg. You wrote this for me, didn’t you? Didn’t you? This one will sound weird, but Riddick should be on the first list too… even dog-like creatures makes me sad.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just to be fair, you should mention The Incredible Journey. The original, non voiceover 1963 movie, not the remake. Very sweet film.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 7) You had a lasting, irrational hatred of Kevin Bacon after watching the invisible dog scene in Hollow Man.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Old Yeller is at the top. I thought so. I do have nicknames for my cats, but that is where I draw the line. American Psycho? I’ve forgotten and I don’t want to know.


  8. When I hear of sites like this I can’t help wondering about the social life of the person who thought it up and puts all their time and effort into maintaining it.

    Not that I’m implying that there would be anything WRONG with that person’s social life. Heck no! It’s probably really, really great and full of over-the-top fun with actual humans. Really.


  9. Reblogged this on All the small things and commented:
    My daughter should screen her movies here!


  10. Reblogged this on It's all about the pups. and commented:
    How perfect would this be?!


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