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Letter From Dr Schnub

I just wanted to stop by and say Thank you for liking my post “The Amazing Niles Munster” on my website/blog Strange World With Dr. Mortimer Schnub. It took me a while to get this thank you out to you but better late than never.

I was about to quit, until my wife of 25 years, Michelle (who helps me type up the posts and puts everything together for me on the site and whom I am nothing without (can you tell she’s typing this email as I’m dictating to her?)she just wanted to make sure she gets her props.)pointed out that you liked the post and that you are a professional writer and well known in the humor blogging community, that you started a joint blog of humor bloggers. So I have not given hope that maybe in some small way our site will take off. I know it’s not the regular blog type site, so it will take longer to develop a following, but this has really given me a little more confidence to keep writing and posting. It’s not everyone’s taste but I am old school, my formative years were spent watcing SCTV, Saturday Night Live (the orignal cast), Monty Python, “the early funny” Woody Allen flicks and reading National Lampoon.

Thanks again and if you want to throw me another bone please follow the site as well.

Dr. Mortimer Schnub

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