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The Saturday Six: Ad Placements Gone Horribly Wrong

saturday 6

Welcome to another installment of the Saturday Six!  Grab your cup of java and crueler before you start reading though.  Ha!  We didn’t say Simon says!

Ok, apologies for the dumb joke.

Happy Saturday!


1.  Wait, Shameless?

six one

On second thought, we’ll pass on the protein shake…

2.  It’s Only a Coincidence

six two

The quickest and cheapest couple’s counseling method known to man.

3.  Yoga Carrot

six three

Hey, watch it!  You could put somebody’s butt out with that carrot.

4.  Rookie Editor

six four

We had the same reaction…

5.  Nice Husks

sat five

Hey, your boobs are showing.

6.  We’re Gonna Need a Smaller Ruler

sat six

Oh stop acting like you’ve never seen a micro-penis before…


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About Christopher De Voss (132 Articles)
Voice over actor, writer on various websites, published author, should not eat cheese but still does. Producer for The Super True Crime Podcast, Podfix Presents, and 2 Drunk Mills And A Gen Z. Follow me on twitter: @chrisdevoss

65 Comments on The Saturday Six: Ad Placements Gone Horribly Wrong

  1. NotAPunkRocker // January 25, 2014 at 6:07 pm //

    Magazine editors must have a field day coming up with layouts.


  2. love these


  3. Oh Gawd. The granny is the worst. lol


  4. Nice way to greet my Sunday morning, thanks!


  5. That’s the hardest laugh I’ve had today! Nearly lost my tea through my nostrils!


  6. Got milk? Not anymore…


  7. It’s too bad the bus ad wasn’t for a senior dating service.


  8. *snort* And there goes my vodka.


  9. These are NOT by accident. I have reached the point where I no longer doubt that I am superior in editing and suspect that somebody else besides me has a sick sense of humor. Thanks for these fine examples!


  10. Wonderful! Bring out the sick humor, then…and screw the editing!


  11. I have to agree that some of those were the product of willful mischief… which I totally support.


  12. Am I sicker the shite for liking this? Number 4 is the worse. I’d ask Leroy but she’s ROFL.


  13. dentaleggs // January 26, 2014 at 11:32 am //

    Grammy! Noooooo!


  14. That one with the bus is a feckin corker lol


  15. The first one killed me, but then I kept going…


  16. OMG! Number 3 is a classic!


  17. Impressive carrot…


  18. unfetteredbs // January 28, 2014 at 3:23 am //

    Haaa. Fantastic!!


  19. All funny but #5 wins for me! #4 gets honorable mention.


  20. Reblogged this on Life Is Sarcasm and commented:
    Borrowing brilliant humor (without the work)


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